Angkor Wat, in its beauty and state of preservation, is unrivaled. Its mightiness and maginficence bespeak a pomp and a luxury surpassing that of a pharaoh or a shah jahan, an impressiveness greater than that of the Pyramids, an artistic distinctiveness as fine as that of the Taj Mahl. Angkor Wat is located about six kilometers (for miles) north of Siem Reap , south of Angkor Thom. Entry and exit to Angkor Wat can only b access from its.
Angkor Wat was built in the first half of the 12th century (113-5BC). Estimated construction time of the temple is 30 years by King Suyavarman II, dedicated to Vishnu (Hindu), replica of Angkor Thonm style of art.
Unlike other temple at Angkor, Taprom has been left as it was found, preserved as an example of what a tropical forest will do to an architectural monument when the protective hands of humans are withdrawn. Taprom walls, roofs, chambers and courtyards have been sufficiently has been cleared of bushes and thick Undergrowth, but the temple has been left in the stranglehold of trees. Having planted themselves centuries ago, the tree serpentine roots pry apart the ancient stones and their immense trunks straddle the once bustling Buddhist temple. Built in the later part of the 12 th century by Jayvaraman VII.
The visual impact of Angkor Wat, particularly on one first visit, is awesome. As you pass through the outer gate and get your first glimpse, its size and architecture make it appear two dimensional, like a giant postcard photo against the sky. After you cross throught the gate and approach the temple along the waling way it slowly gains depth and complexity. To maximize this effect you should make your first visit in optimal lighting conditions, after 2: PM when the sun is on the face of the temple.
The first level of is the most artistically interesting. Most visitors begin their exploration with the bas-reliefs that cover the exterior wall of the first level, following the bas-reliefs counterclockwise around the temple. Bas-relief highlights include the mythological battle of kuru on the west wall, the historical march of the army of Suryavarman II.
Angkor Wat Temple Cambodia
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