Located at kro la cmmune, Kampong siem district in seven kilometers distance from the provincial town of Kampong Cham or 114 Kilometers distance from phnom penh with exceeding 500 metres to the leff. The pagoda of Phnom Pros has official name called what sovan kiri rotanak Phnom Pros in 1000 meters to the North, there is another mountain, which has pointed peak called Phnom Srey.
To the north of the small city of kampong cham are two adjacent hills, and a top of each are two related buddhist template. The reason that there are two temples on two hill is as follows.
The men hill and temple is easily reached from the main road, and after ascending a small set of stairs. There is also an associated, small amusement park with this temple. One poit, there are monkeys scampering around this temple and they were a little aggressive when i visited. cute on the discovery channel but they also have parasites, and rabies is not uncommon is sea. Take care if you visit.
The women's hill is a short distance away to the north, but reaching this hill requres climbing 303 steps. A top there is an excellent view of the surrounds and a small temple. There is also a little old lady who makes a living carry with cold drink to the top of the hill every day. You might want to buy something from her.
There are modern hiltop temple on each of the hills that you can explore. Phnom Srey also offers good countryside views, while Phnom Pros is considered to be a good relaxation spot. Between the two hills is the location of the Kampong Cham killing frelds. Inancient time there was a queen named Srey Ayuthiya. Since no man could propose to such a beautiful, noble woman, she decided to choose the man of her own preference for her husband. After that it became the custom in the country that a woman proposed to a man.
The men believed it would be easy to win this contest because they were much stronger and could carry more earth, so they accepted the contest. Both started working hard, digging the earth to build the mountain, and the men were clearly winning the competition. In the middle of the night, wile the men took a rest, the women hung a lantern way up in a tall tree. The men , seeing the light of the lantern, thought that it was the morning star and went to sleep, convinced they had won. But mountain was higher that the one from the men. They woke up the men and showed them the morning star.
Phnom Bros and Phnom Srey Mountain
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